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The Bilingualism And the Brain in Educational and Language (BABEL) Lab at the University of Arizona was established in 2023, and is directed by

Dr. Genesis Arizmendi.


Our research spans a wide range of topics, including bilingual language acquisition, cognitive development, educational equity, and culturally responsive language and educational assessment and intervention. We employ a multidisciplinary approach, integrating insights from speech-language pathology, cognitive science, education, psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and social policy to address complex questions at the intersection of bilingual language and learning. 


Explore our website to access a wealth of resources, including educational infographics, research publications, project updates, and opportunities for collaboration. 

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About Us

BABEL stands for Bilingualism And the Brain in Education and Language.

Drawing inspiration from the Tower of Babel, the lab finds its name in a myth that explores the roots of why the world's communities speak different languages. This name captures the complex nature of human communication and collaboration. Just as the Tower's builders aimed to construct a bridge between earth and sky, our lab aims to unify linguistic and cognitive boundaries, bridging theory and practice across disciplines.

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