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Below you will find the BABEL lab's peer-reviewed publications, with a button linked to their source. If you cannot access the article and would like a copy, please contact us at 

For another easy access source to our publications, visit Google Scholar 

The phonological loop and dual language learning: Do growth differences exist across languages?

Implementing the science of math in a culturally sustainable framework for students with and at risk for math learning disabilities...

Emergent math difficulties among English learners: can the odds be reduced?

The influence of teachers’ math instructional practices on English learners’ reading comprehension and math problem-solving performance in Spanish and English...

The role of language comprehension skills and instructional practices in cross-language influence of Spanish-speaking dual language learners’ calculation skills..

What mediates the relationship between growth in math problem-solving and working memory in English language learners?

Research documents for populations with limited English proficiency: Translation approaches matter...

The stability of learning disabilities among emergent bilingual children: A latent transition analysis...

Language‐focused interventions on math performance for English learners: A selective meta‐analysis of the literature...

Working memory growth predicts mathematical problem-solving growth among emergent bilingual children...

Exploring input parameters in an expressive vocabulary treatment with late talkers...

Novel word learning in children who are bilingual: Comparison to monolingual peers...

The Development and Validation of a Novel Task to Quantify Functional Language Proficiency in Spanish-English Learning School-Age Children

Do bilingual children have an executive function advantage? Results from inhibition, shifting, and updating tasks...

Learning Disabilities: Historical and Recent Perspectives

Effective use of auditory bombardment as a therapy adjunct for children with developmental language disorders

The role of socioeconomic status in the narrative story retells of school-aged English language learners...

Cross-situational statistically based word learning intervention for late-talking toddlers...

The relationship between mathematics and language: Academic implications for children with specific language impairment and English language learners

The effect of test translation on the performance of second grade English learners on the KeyMath‐3

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