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Complementarity Principle

Have you heard of the Complementarity Principle? 🕵🏽‍♀️ Today, we introduce this topic and what it means in the world of bilingual language development, thanks to the great work done by one of the BABEL Lab’s rockstar undergraduate research assistants @quienesmelii

The Complementarity Principle addresses how the experience a person has in each language, and in each domain that each language is used, has a direct impact on the way that language develops for bilinguals. For example, bilinguals will not have all the same words in each language they know, because their experience using those languages will differ by the needs in each domain - swipe through to learn more!

Can you think of domains where you have stronger skills in one language over another? 🧠 💡 Share with us in the comments below! 👇🏽


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